What Is The Meaning of Chapped Lips?

Most often, chapped lips occur due to wind , cold air , but also because of inadequate water intake and the ugly habit of licking his lips. But it can also be a signal of some other disorders in the body .

They can show us a lot due to our health status, especially if you treat them well usually, but the problem does not go.


Lack of vitamin B2 and B3 can cause dryness and cracking of the lips . Adequate intake of vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the body . Vitamin B2 is responsible for the proper functioning of metabolism, regulation of blood levels of amino acids and functioning of all cells in the body . Lack of vitamin B3 may cause dermatitis , diarrhea, and mental health problems . Vitamin notes on the lips, tongue and even in the area of ​​the gums . If your lips are often dry and crumbling , be sure to consider taking supplements of vitamin B3 .


Lack of water intake leads to dehydration . One of the first symptoms of lack of water in the body is a dryness and cracking of the lips . Previous studies have shown that lack of water increases the risk of gum disease , plaque buildup and cavities. The recommended daily amount of water is eight glasses , or more if you exercise regularly and increased sweating .


If you notice a dryness and cracking of the lips after applying lipstick , gloss or balm , it is possible that you are allergic to any of the substances in the product composition . Allergies to these substances cause itching in the area of ​​the lips, skin and cracking . Some foods can also produce cracking of the lips . When you discover what you are all allergic to, avoid these products and consult your physician about taking the proper treatment that you use to alleviate allergic reactions.


Drugs can cause a host of unwanted side effects, and one of them is the cracking of the lips . Drugs for hypothyroidism and regulation of blood pressure often causes cracking of the lips .


Too much vitamins are no good. Too much vitamin A can cause dryness of the lips , cracking , peeling and bleeding.


If there is chronic inflammation or silent inflammation in the body,the detector changes at the corners of the lips, cracking and increased salivation . People with sensitive skin are more prone to the occurrence of inflammation in the area of ​​the lips .