Position of The Acne on Your Body Shows of Which Disease You Suffer

The location of acne on the face and body speaks a lot about our health and specifically for system or body concerned. You can read the signs simple, by imagining the body as a map and the defects like landscape. Your body is divided into multiple areas and the appearance of acne in each area is connected to different illnesses or health issues.

The following is a list of the diseases suggested by acne by their position on the body and face:

acne position

Area 1: Hormones

Area 1 is for your chin and neck. If you have acne in this area it might be an it might be an indication of too much stress, adrenal gland issue, or too much intake of sodas and sweets.


Area 2 & 3: High Stress Levels

Your area 2 is your shoulder area. If you have acne in this area it might be an indication that you are struggling with stress and your immunity suffers for it. Stop, breathe in and enjoy life more.


Area 4: Your Stomach

Your area 4 is your chest area. Acne in this area are caused by eating too much junk food or that your are suffering from bad digestion. Try eating organic food more often.


Area 5 & 6: Vitamin Insufficiency

If you have acne in this area it might be an indication of vitamin insufficiency. Try adding more fruit and vegetables in your diet instead of taking artificial vitamin supplements which will never be as beneficial as fruit and veggies.


Area 7: Your Blood Sugar

Your area 7 is your stomach. Indication of high blood sugar. Avoid eating too much refined sugar and bread, but eat fruit and veggies instead.

Area 8: Personal Hygiene or STDs

Poor hygiene may be the cause of acne in this area, but even worse is the case of warts are a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, especially if there except acne and itching. See a doctor!

Area 9 & 10: Allergies or Dermal Problems

Acne on the hips and upper legs indicate an allergy to cosmetics or detergents. Lower legs acne appears due to shaving or waxing, so be careful with the razor or the products you use.

Area 11 & 12: Your Digestion or Your Nervous System

Your area 11 & 12 is your upper back and back. If you have acne in this area it might be an indication that you are consuming too much calories in your diet. It might also be a sign of not getting enough sleep and mental overload.

Area 13 & 12: Your Digestion

Acne on the chest usually signal that something is wrong with the system for digestion or that exaggerate the unhealthy diet. Change diet and acne will disappear.

Your skin is the mirror of your health. Try looking at it and see what does it tell you about your health.