Control These 6 Important Hormones Which Trigger the Belly Fat Storage in This Way!

Do you have belly fat that is so stubborn and looks like it won’t go away? Some people have this problem and no matter how hard they try going to the gym or eating proper foods, it seems impossible to lose belly fat. Well, it seems that belly fat occurs as a consequence of a hormonal imbalance. Nevertheless, there are some things that you can do which will help you restore hormonal balance and which are completely natural.

Six Hormones and the Way They Contribute to Belly Fat

Insulin is the hormone responsible for breaking down fat cells and for promoting formation of body fat. If the insulin levels are high, then there is more fat storage and the levels of fat metabolism is reduced.

Estrogen is responsible for increasing the number of alpha-adrenergic bodily receptors which obstruct the fat release and promote its storage. Estrogen also contributes to belly fat.

Testosterone is responsible for the growth of muscles. When the muscle density is higher, the rate of fat burning is increased, thus reduces testosterone level is one of the chief contributors to belly fat.

Cortisol is the stress hormone. When cortisol levels are high, the body begins to acts like it is going to starve, so as a result, it accumulates fat. Nevertheless, its role in the production of belly fat is still not clear.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is the main hormone of the endocrine system. When the levels of this hormone are low, it is hard to maintain proper balance of cortisol, testosterone and estrogen, thus the metabolic rate is reduced.

HGH (Human growth Hormone) acts like the testosterone, but it is more far-reaching. If the anabolic activity is decreased as a consequence of reduced HGH levels, then the fat metabolism is reduced and it profoundly impacts these six hormones.

Regain Control of These Hormones in This Way Naturally

The best way to restore control over these hormones is by Intermittent Fasting (IF). There are several IF programs in the fitness and health scene. Each of those has a different approach and appeal to different people according to their lifestyle. Namely, a time period when a person does not eat is Intermittent Fasting (IF).

In What Way Does IF Effect These Sic Hormones

Reduces the insulin levels. If a person does not eat for some time, the body begins a number of vital functions for cellular repair, some of them reducing the insulin levels which as a result stimulates fat metabolism and not fat storage.

Elevates HGH. It is been proven the IF raises the HGH levels by 5 times compared to the initial levels. This notable increase radically impacts the fat metabolism.

Raises Testosterone. It is proven that the testosterone level go extremely high every time a person eats. So it is logical in what way IF affect testosterone levels.

Elevates DHEA. As mentioned previously, this hormone is responsible for regulating cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone. When the levels of DHEA are increased by IF, it will also bring these three hormones to healthy levels.

Eliminating belly fat is not easy and simple and it will require a long time and some changes in the lifestyle like changing the eating habits and start doing exercise. However, it is not mission impossible. Correcting the hormonal problems is vital and Intermittent Fasting is a way to make it happen.