20 Foods That Will Clean Your Arteries Naturally And Protect You From Heart Attacks

It is a fact that heart disease is a number one killer. One of the main causes for heart attack and stroke are clogged arteries, which can interrupt the blood flow throughout the entire body.

There are many factors which can increase the risk of a heart attack including lack of movement, stress, and unhealthy diet. However, some simple changes in your diet can help you to protect yourself, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

We present you some drinks and foods that can help you to keep your arteries free of blockage:


It is one of the healthiest foods when it comes to heart health. The reason is because it contains different healthy fatty acids that are actually naturally present in the fish. All these fats decrease and prevent raised cholesterol, inflammation and triglyceride levels. Some other healthy fishes are herring, tuna, and mackerel. The best way is to buy organic fish.

2.Orange juice

Pure orange juice has many antioxidants, which can support healthy blood vessels. Moreover, it can help you to reduce high blood pressure.

By drinking 2 glasses of fresh orange juice on a daily basis, you will get the recommended daily dosage of vitamin C, thus providing your body with vitamins and minerals that will have a positive effect on your health.


This is the long expected reason to drink your first morning cup of coffee. Different studies have discovered that if you drink 2 to 4 cups of coffee every day you can reduce the risk of a heart attack by approximately 20%. However, be aware that drinking coffee in some cases can have negative effects on your stomach and drinking an excessive amount of caffeine is not very healthy for you.


Nuts have long been known for its abundance of healthy fats. These include omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. Not only is this good for your cholesterol levels, but also benefit from the joints and memory. Walnuts and almonds are particularly high in these healthy fats. A handful each day can make all the difference.

5.Persimmon fruit

It has a rich content of fiber and healthy sterols which can reduce the cholesterol levels. Its sweet taste is the reason why they are called “divine fruits”. You can add this fruit to your salads or cereal.


Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric can provide numerous benefits. It will help you to reduce tissue inflammation and prevent overactive fat storage. You can use turmeric as addition to different meals, or consume it as a tea.

7.Green tea

Green tea provides energizing and calming effects due to its catechin content, which is mostly concentrated in the leaves. Catechin is an antioxidant which boosts metabolism and lowers cholesterol levels. For optimal results, drink 1-2 cups of green tea daily.


In some cases, it does not have the best reputation. However, if you consume it in moderation it can help you to reduce the high cholesterol levels and the blood pressure.


This refreshing fruit will promote the production of nitric oxide and support healthy blood vessels. Make sure to incorporate this amazing fruit in your diet, and you will see its benefits!

10.Whole grains

Whole grain flour is an excellent source of fiber which will bind to cholesterol and prevent its accumulation in the arteries. Oats, brown rice, and whole grain bread are one of the best whole grain foods.


They contain a lot of potassium and by drinking cranberry juice regularly, you can raise the healthy cholesterol and reduce the bad one. Drink 2 glasses daily can help you to reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%.


Seaweed has a rich content of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carotenoids, and antioxidants. The regular consumption of it can help you to regulate the blood pressure and lower the cholesterol levels by 5%.


Besides giving baked goods a heavenly flavor, cinnamon prevents cholesterol accumulation in the arteries with just a teaspoon per day.


They contain a lot of phytochemicals which can naturally promote nitric oxide production that is amazing for improved circulation. It is exotic fruit and it is a great addition to salads.


Spinach is a rich source of folic acid and potassium, which have the ability to reduce high blood pressure, support muscle tissues, and reduce the risk of heart attacks as well.


This green vegetable is avoided by many people, but it’s rich nutrient content work wonders for your heart. Include broccoli in your everyday diet if you want to prevent heart disease.

17.Olive oil

Consuming high-quality olive oil is the secret to good health! If you consume cold-pressed olive oil you will get healthy fats and reduce the cholesterol levels. Olive oil has the ability to reduce the risk of a heart attack by 41%.


Asparagus can be one of your best allies when it comes to fighting high cholesterol. It contains compounds which lower inflammation while preventing clogging of the veins. This vegge is highly versatile and it can be used as a main dish or a side dish to potatoes or noodles.


Blueberries are a great source of potassium. If you drink cranberry juice, you can raise healthy cholesterol levels and low dangerous. Consumption of 2 glasses per day has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 40%.


We all know that avocado is very healthy for us. Its fats promote a healthy balance between the bad and good cholesterol, and this is crucial for healthy arteries. You can add it in salads; eat it with eggs or on bread. You can eat it on its own with a little bit of salt and pepper.